Success Story – May – Ms. Ford

Success Story – May – Ms. Ford

Success Story Start Your Success Story Our team is proud of Ms. Ford! Ms. Ford came to Horizon Specialty Hospital of Las Vegas following surgical removal of all four limbs.  Upon admission, she required extensive care to address wound healing.  Ms. Ford was dependent...
Success Story – May – Mr. Deanda

Success Story – May – Mr. Deanda

Success Story “Thank you to the great therapy team who helped get me back up on my feet.”   Start Your Success Story Mr. Deanda came to Horizon Specialty Hospital of Henderson for the second time after an extensive health journey. He had become very weak and lost...
Success Story – Dec – Mrs. Molto

Success Story – Dec – Mrs. Molto

Success Story “You have helped me so much, I am very happy with the therapy services.” Start Your Success Story Mrs. Molto was admitted to Horizon Specialty Hospital of Henderson for continuation of care after an extended stay in the hospital due to...
Success Story – Nov – Mr. Kuzma

Success Story – Nov – Mr. Kuzma

Success Story – Nov – Mr. Kuzma " Read More Mr. Kuzma was admitted to Horizon Specialty Hospital of Henderson for continuation of care after being transferred from an Acute Care Hospital while recovering from a stroke. He required substantial care and...
Success Story – Nov – Mr. Kuzma

Success Story – Oct – Mr. Jamison

Success Story – Oct – Mr. Jamison " Read More Mr. Jamison was admitted to Horizon Specialty Hospital of Henderson for continuation of care after being discharged from a long stay at an Acute Care Hospital. At arrival he required help from staff for all his...